my mom bought me an indonesian fashion magazine and as you know, i always love to read a magazine. even tho its not a fashion magazine. when i open page 68 there's an article about indonesian designer's ready to wear collections. well, usually, our designers never had a ready to wear collection. they're so focus on their haute couture collection which i dont know why. and i started to google-d their collection and i found my favorite designer's collection. she's my mom's friend that's why i love her design. hehehe. well, i think her collection is not bad. but honestly, i DON'T wear it to go to the mall. i don't know why. well, if you want to see her collections, you can click here. ooopp! sorry, if you don't understand the language, you can google translation it! these are some of her collections
none of them are impressive to me. sorry to say but, keep trying Mrs. Avantie! oh and Mrs. Avantie has a daughter which started a designer world too like what Mrs. Avantie did, and the collections are.... um... what can I say? bad!!! sorry but i can't find her collections in google. F! i prefer Mrs. Avantie haute couture collections. these are her haute couture collections :